
Friday, February 15, 2019

How To Annoy People Essay -- Process Essays

How To Annoy PeopleThis authorship pass on seek to explore how to annoy population in many different situations these categories be as follows how to annoy people in restaurants, gibber room, while driving, and in the grocery store. Also explored argon annoying your roommate, your neighbors, public bathroom point of view mates, your teacher or professor, and the police. The following are guaranteed ways to annoy at your favorite restaurant Decline to be s expeled and scarce eat their complementary mints by the cash register. Pretend you do not guess what your server is saying no matter how much he/she yells or how slowly they say it. Ask your server for an extra seat and berth setting for your imaginary friend. Wander around the restaurant reading opposite diners for their parsley. Slurp your soup. Eat go forth with your friends and forget your w completelyet. Order a lieu of pork rinds with your filet mignon or pay for your dinner with pennies.Getting a rise out of pe ople by annoying the heck out of them was neer this easy before chat rooms. First, ONLY TYPE IN capital or only type in lowercase, and dont use any punctuation mark either. Invent nonsense computer jargon in conversations and see if people play along to avoid looking ignorant, if they ask what it means be demeaning and rude rather than giving them an explanation. TalkLikeThisInChatRooms. CapitalizeTheBeginningOfEveryWordAndNeverUseSpaces. YouHaveNoIdeaHowAnnoyingThisCanGet. On the other hand, you could simply capitalize letters that ShouLDnt bE capitalized. Go into random chat rooms and say Turkey, then leave and every 5 minutes, on the dot, site well-nighone an instant message saying Turkey as well. lease someone you do not like and annoy him/her until he/she leaves the chat room. Use the find member command and follow this somebody all over whatever online service you use. This may get you permanently kicked out of all the chat rooms, so make it worth it. Finally, e-mail some random person in a chat room and ask them why they keep harassing you.If your passengers are annoying you, get relief by annoying the other drivers around you. When driving at a sulky speed, stay in the left-most lane and when there is a lot of work behind you, always drive 8-20 MPH slower than the speed limit. These will definitely get you the finger by everyone who finally gets past you, so use sparingly if weak hearted. When dri... ...assignments, or write your psychology makeup on possible genetic anomalies that might cause a person to prefer anchovies. Finally, pwetend you have a speech impediment and awways type ws whenevew you weawwy requirement to type rs or ls.The last category in our exploration on how to annoy people is the police. We will call this category How To Be a 3 Time Loser on Your First Dealing With The Police. If you really want to annoy the wrong person, simply use one of these lines the future(a) time you get pulled over Arent you the goofball from Th e Village People? or Didnt I see you get your butt kicked on COPS? You could also chastise I pay your salary, I thought you had to be in relatively good shape to be a police officer, Youre not divergence to check the trunk, are you, or So, are you on the take, or what? I do not recommend the next line unless you would like to knowledge police brutality, but here it is anyway Wow, you look like the guy in the picture on my girlfriends night stand. I end this paper with my favorite how to annoy a police officer line which is I was trying to keep up with traffic. Yes, I know there are no other cars around, thats how far they are ahead of me.

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